That's a bit dark, so here's a close up of one side of this window.
After thinking about this for a while and pricing out materials, I decided to do a plain panel and then do trim with a combination of 4" board and 2" board. Since I didn't install the top board with the thought of 1" board being installed under it, I'm going to try to find 1/2" board to use instead, but I don't know if I can find that in 8' sections, which is what I need to do the top and bottom trim, but I will have to see.
In the meantime, I bought the panels for the front and back of the first railing I had framed out. After fighting with the drill and the wood screws, I was able to attach both panels and I'm pretty pleased.
From the outside - you can see I still have to scrape and paint the base of the porch. |
From the inside. I like it! It's going to give us some privacy, which will be nice. |
I think I'm going to work on the front railing next, even before I get the trim pieces up. That way, I can get a real feel for what the finished porch is going to feel like.
Once I get that done, I'll do the trim, finish painting and then I will turn my attention to putting in indoor/outdoor carpeting.
I've picked out a nice neutral carpeting which I think is a real step up from the old astroturf of my youth.
I think this will give this little space some comfort and a feeling of tranquility, plus and this is a huge plus, it will keep the tiny vampires from coming up from underneath the porch and tapping into my veins for a liquid lunch!