Monday, October 7, 2013

Just Like I Imagined

Hello cats and kittens,

Its been a busy, busy time for me and I've been globe-trotting.  Okay, USA-trotting.  I've been to Texas, or as I call it, The Mother Land.  I was born in El Paso, which contrary to some people's thinking is still definitely Texas.

At any rate, in late June, my dad passed away after a long struggle with Alzheimer's.  For anyone who has ever watched a loved one go down hill with this disease, you know that with their release, there is a sense of relief that they are no longer suffering, while at the same time, there is a hole in your life where they were.  I guess that is true of most fatal diseases.  The emotions run the gamut from being happy they are not existing in a miserable place any longer to utter sadness at the loss of a loved one.

He was a Korean vet, a forward observer during the last few months of the war and he wanted to be buried at Ft. Bliss National Cemetery in El Paso.  So in September, most of our family made the trek to El Paso and gave him the send off he wanted.  A military funeral is a dignified affair and I have to say, it was just beautiful.  My dad would have loved it.

The next two days, we traveled around my old stomping grounds and I got to show my two daughters the sights I grew up with.  It is a far cry from Philadelphia to be sure.
White Sands, New Mexico
El Paso sunset

We visited White Sands, NM and then drove up to Cloudcroft which is the Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico.  I'd really forgotten how vast and beautiful the landscape truly is.

Sacramento Mountains, NM
White Sands, NM
We had a great time and I fully intend on going back as soon as I can.  There is nothing like going back to the place where you came on to this earth to recharge your internal batteries.

Then, I went to Boyton Beach, Florida to visit a friend for a long weekend.  I didn't take a whole lot of pictures there, but this is the view from their screened in porch.

We went to dinner a lot and this place was amazing.  If you're ever there and want an amazing dinner.  Go. Here.

This last weekend, it was time to get back to the porch.  DISCLAIMER:  I had help.  A man with tools.  Specifically, a chop saw and a circular saw.  Made things much easier.  With the design I had in my head and a lot of measurements, this is what my porch now looks like.

It needs another coat of paint, but I just LOVE it.  It is JUST what was in my head and it looks wonderful.  Next up, the carpeting inside.  I've never laid carpet before, so I have no idea what it is going to look like when I'm done, but then, I've never built porch railings either.  :)

So until next time... Stay civilized.

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