Monday, August 12, 2013

I never want this to be a whiny space, because that gets old real fast, but after saying that I must say that every muscle in my body is screaming at me in capital letters today.  If you listen real closely, you can hear it, "WHAT do you think you are doing?  You're not 20 anymore! Blah blah blah"

They're saying a lot more, but basically, it's more of the same sort scolding tone.  Whatever, muscles... all the scraping, sanding, demo, etc., is complete and I spent all day Sunday painting and I gotta say, I am happy with the result!

I love, love, love the clean, perfectly white paint and how clean it looks.  Don't you agree?  The previous owners got paint on the beaded ceiling when they painted before, and I gotta be honest, it irks me completely, but not enough to remove it.  Therefore, I just didn't add to it.  I have a real steady hand with painting and a great sash brush that I love, so not so bad.

I really can't believe how much better it looks already.

Two coats of paint with primer - I chose a flat finish rather than satin or any type of gloss because honestly, I was a bit worried about how those other choices show up any imperfection that exists and believe you me, there are plenty that exist.  However, I feel I must say this now - none of this woodwork I've scraped and painted have lead paint.

If you think you have lead paint (there are lead paint tests available at your local building supply place and I don't believe they are expensive), please be safe.  Purchase a kit and if it tests positive, you're should contact your local government to learn how to safely deal with this.  This is especially important if you have small children or dogs who might ingest paint chips.  It's just not worth it folks.  Nothing is more important than your family's health and well being.

Stepping off the soapbox... I am at a point where I am going to have to go down to my township office and apply for a building permit.  Even though all I am doing is screening it in, my township requires it.  While I can ignore it and just build the thing, I'm running the chance that one of my neighbors complains or simply that the code enforcement comes around - and I would be forced to take it all down.  Kinda worth the $75 it is going to cost to avoid such heartbreak.

I'll be able to build the railings while I wait for the permit to come through since I must have one.  So next up... railings!  Now, I'm going to go soak in the tub for a while.  Maybe pour a glass of wine... candles... bubbles...

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