Saturday, July 18, 2015

Lipstick, High heels, Pearls and Daydreams

Bonus post today!

A fellow knitter sent me a link to this website.  Go ahead and click it.  I'll wait.

Much sighing.  You guys.  THIS.

Now, I'm not a cleaning nut.  I go through phases where I'll scrub the beejeebus out of stuff and other times where I look at things and think, well, you can still make out the floor through all the cat hair, so we're good.  See, I work a full-time job and I have a lot of hobbies that I like to do.  I try my best to keep up with the dishes and the bathroom fixtures, and the necessary stuff that makes me feel like I could at least have someone come over if they give me an hour's notice, I dim the lights, burn a candle and they sign a contract that they will not open that door at the end of the hall.  Sort of like the story of Bluebeard.  Just.  Don't. Open. The. Door.

In my mind, my imaginary life is most akin to that of a 1950's housewife.  Things are clean and spotless and blindingly white.  I am, in short, together.  In reality though, I am one step away from being featured on Hoarders.  Okay, not really, but there is that spot under the radiator in the kitchen where I spilled something two months ago and the mop doesn't reach under there and, well... it mocks me every time I go in there. (I see you, spot and your day will come!)

Recently, a friend loaned me The Magic Art of Tidying Up and it has changed me.  I piled all my clothes on my bed and went through every single one of them, picking them up, turning them around and waiting for my body to tell me if this piece sparked joy.  Amazingly, it works.  9 garbage bags of clothes later (I didn't even think I had that many clothes and yes, most were donated), my bedroom is a place of serenity and stays that way.  It was truly magical.

All this to say, that when I opened this link the other day, my heart literally skipped a beat.  Oh, the beauty of the packaging, the simplicity of the ingredients, the suggestion of the scents... I was weak at the knees.

I was suddenly transported.  There I was, bright white sunshine streaming through my laundry room windows, the stacks of neatly pressed and folded clothing (all of it white of course), the scent of slightly scented ironing water hanging in the air - clean, crisp, serene.  My black and white polka dot dress, black heels, pearl necklace, bright red lipstick and neatly curled hair...I want it all.  I want to buy all the things.

Shopping cart filled up, credit card out... then I remembered... and closed the website.  Tonight, I will pull on jeans, dig out my cruddy sneakers and go down to my dark, dank basement that smells slightly of cat pee thanks to my cat with litter box issues.  I might wear pearls though.

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